Saturday, August 1, 2009

Hair relaxers?

I am white with fine color treated hair. It is healthy and shoulder length. My hair is extremely out of control curly in the summer and I have just moved near the beach so I was thinking about relaxing it. I am afraid of ruining my hair and was hoping to get some advice. What kind of relaxer should I try?

Hair relaxers?

I am a former professional stylist that specialized in texture and color services. Color treated hair can be chemically straigtened so long as the color that was used is not bleach of any kind or high lift color that uses 40 volume peroxide developer (if you used over the counter color, it is not 40 volume.) Salons these days offer a service that is actually a reverse perm. The same chemicals that are used to give traditional curly perms are used in a very thick gel that is applied to weigh the hair down and gently pull the curl out.

Ask about the Matrix Opti-smooth system as that is truly the best product available, and the safest.

Hair relaxers?

I would find a professional salon that specializes in this. The relaxing chemical is very strong and if applied without knowledge how to use it, it can really ruin your hair (severe breakage etc.) You need to find a professional who knows how to do this. That way, they can assess your hair and determine how long to leave the relaxer on for. I do it every year, once a year and it works wonders on me! Good luck!

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