Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Hair, skin and Vitamin E?

Is it just a coincidence that after 3 weeks of taking Vit E tabs, my hair appears shiny and healthier (when it's usually dull and lifeless) and I've yet to get a pimple? (where I normally have 1 or 2 per week)

Just pure luck??

Hair, skin and Vitamin E?

I think it is not a conincidence. Vitamin E is good for hair and skin.

If you have bad skin you have a vitamin A and D deficiency. The most readily digestible form of these vitamins are containded in cod liver., halibut liver and shark liver oil. I take cod liver oil, two tablespoons a day. To many people the taste is very disagreeable. If this is the case there are perls (gelatine capsules) of these oils which can be taken. The cod liver oil I take is 2500 I.U.s (International Units) of viamin A and 250 I.U.s of vitamin D per gram. There are water misible pills as well, these are the dry form of the vitamins. I would suggest taking the oil misible form of these vitamins.

Hair, skin and Vitamin E?

vitamin e is great 4 the skin and hair. also try beta carotene. it works 4 me. it's not pure luck, it's common sense.

Hair, skin and Vitamin E?

Vitamin E works on my body (hair and nail)as well.

But if you want to obtain more perfect hair, I really recommend you taking CoQ10 and Alpha Lipoic Acid, or either of them.By virtue of them, my hair is shining all the time.

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