Sunday, July 26, 2009

VET PLEASE! Mouse hair loss, please help!?

I have a two pet 'house mice', which, no, were NOT taken from a house, but rescued from being a reptile's breakfast, and are kept as pets. I am NOT able to see a vet, PLEASE do not say "go see a vet", I would if I could, but I can't. They both look pretty healthy

See, I got these two mice about a month ago, they were at first fed a rodent chow block diet, but then for the last two weeks I wasn't able to get any, and I just started feeding them it today. (meanwhile they ate mostly dried corn, ginea pig pellets, and a bit of seed) I have two females, one of them I just noticed today has hair loss on her shoulders (two strips of no hair on either side, but the skin seems healthy) the rest of her hair seems fine and seems otherwise healthy and normal, and her companion is fine. What's wrong with her and what do I do? I'm really worried, if you know what to do (not just a guess please!) Or know of an expert PLEASE let me know, I can provide pictures of her if needed, thanks so muc

VET PLEASE! Mouse hair loss, please help!?

It might be age spots.

VET PLEASE! Mouse hair loss, please help!?

unfortunately, you will need to see a vet, because if it is not dietary it could be mange or mange mites causing the hair loss and you will need to determine this because if it is a mange mite and that happens to be sarcoptic mange it could infest you and other pets as well. if you want to take your chances then put them back on the old diet and see what happens, but I would recommend a skin scrape by a vet to rule out mange mites.

VET PLEASE! Mouse hair loss, please help!?

It really does sound like mites to me. I've raised hundreds of mice and it sounds exactly like what I've had. We used a medicated mite powder on her skin to get rid of them, and it was very easy to apply, just put some on their skin and rubbed it around to all the areas, and then also put some in their tank around the edges to kill whatever was there already. You can also feed them dog food, by the way. That's how we raised ours and they did great on it, and it gives them alot more oil in their diet, in my opinion the rodent block does not give them as much as they need and they have a tendency to get dry skin problems, which could also be what you have here. But I honestly think it's the mites. Even with seeing a picture it's just going to be a guess, and I've raised them for years and know all the diseases in and out, etc... it could just as well be that they are fighting each other and the one is pulling out the fur of the other. Even if it is mites it's not going to really harm them unless it gets really bad and they start looking unhealthy, so I would put a bit of baby powder on her to suffocate mites if they are there (keep it away from her eyes and nose), keep an eye on them and feed them well again, and see if it clears up. Also watch them to see if they are fighting with each other or if they get along.

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