Wednesday, July 29, 2009

What is the best vitamin to take for your hair to be healthier and shinier and to help it grow?

hair, nail %26amp; skin vitamins or prenatal

What is the best vitamin to take for your hair to be healthier and shinier and to help it grow?

Omega 3 fatty acids are in some vitamins, they help make it shiny.

What is the best vitamin to take for your hair to be healthier and shinier and to help it grow?

prenatals work great for that!

What is the best vitamin to take for your hair to be healthier and shinier and to help it grow?

Try going to a drugstore like Target or Walmart and look in the vitamin section. I used to try all of the expensive vitamins that are on the net or TV, but found out that the vitamins in drugstores are usually the same ingredients but much cheaper!! There are vitamins that will help your hair and your nails.

What is the best vitamin to take for your hair to be healthier and shinier and to help it grow?

ginseng hair vitamins u can by them from a drug store or walmart.

What is the best vitamin to take for your hair to be healthier and shinier and to help it grow?

MSM and Vit C. Capsule form, taken twice a day, (MSM only last for 12 hours in our system). Need more info.. ??email me..

Bio MSM is best.. contains Vit C, sea cucumber and molideum, soorry about the spellin of mollidedium....

WHAT??? who in the hell wrote this one "Try going to a drugstore like Target or Walmart and look in the vitamin section. I used to try all of the expensive vitamins that are on the net or TV, but found out that the vitamins in drugstores are usually the same ingredients but much cheaper!! There are vitamins that will help your hair and your nails. Whew.. I just ROTFALMAO!!!!!

Walmart or Target vitamins??? You crack me up.. Funniest thing I've heard in months.. stop it.. I can't breath.... somebody slap me...

Sure .. you go buy all those crappy fillers.. tell you what you do.. take em and drop em in a glass or water or even a glass of vinegar.. (vinager is same acid level as stomach) Come back to em in .. oh.. 3 or 4 days.. maybe some will have disolved.. doubt it.. LOL... just think.. they won't disolve there how can they disolve in your stomach?? they don't.. you poop em out.. Let me ask you a question? do you put cheap oil in your car? Do you cook with cheap oil.. wait.. don't answer that.. you probalby use canoil or veggie oil .LOL... so. you take better care of your car than your body? hmmmm... veggie oil or canolia oil? Corn oil.. (FYI. there is no oil in a kernal of corn, or veggies... they can actually make cookin oil out of carpets..) If you don't use olive oil, coconut oil or lard, not the homiginizied lard either, then you are cookin with .. basically.. cancer oil... I'll bet in order to save money.. you use margarine instead of butter too? of course you do.. Margarine is only one molecule away from being plastic.. where do you think your body stores that? hmmmm leave margarine out for a year.. bugs won't even eat it.. it will look and taste the same after being left out for months and months... Butter is good for you... eat it.. enjoy it... next thing you are gonna say is that Soy is good for you too.... pleeeeeeeze.... if an infant take any type of formula, made with soy??? that infant is getting the equivalent of 7 birth control pills of estrogen .. per bottle... and you wonder why our young ones are messed up??? hmmmm oh well.. Ever heard of Noni juice.. Wally world noni juice.. it takes 17 of there bottles to equal what is in only one of our bottles of Noni.. yep.. wally's bottles are cheaper.. but by the time you buy 17 of em... and theirs taste like crap.. ours taste good.. go figure.... you don't always get what you pay for do you?

What is the best vitamin to take for your hair to be healthier and shinier and to help it grow?

I have heard that Vitamin B-12 helps to make your hair grow, also prenatal vitamins will definately make it grow faster. Also to help your hair grow longer, keep up with getting it trimmed, get all of those split ends off. That will help keep it healthy, shiny, and it will grow better. I try to get a trim at least every 6 weeks to 2 months. I also use a ton of conditioner in the shower. Every time I get it cut the beauticians always tell me how healthy my hair is. So try getting regular trims, and don't be cheap with the conditioner. Also try some B-12 or prenatal vitamins.

What is the best vitamin to take for your hair to be healthier and shinier and to help it grow?

well if your willing to try anything, there is this website called that website offers a very good product call "long and strong". It really does work because i tried it myself. Please just go check it out. its in the health and beauty section.

What is the best vitamin to take for your hair to be healthier and shinier and to help it grow?

omega 3 and vitamin E placenta oil and keratin oil go to sallys

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