Tuesday, July 28, 2009

I have very hard to bleach black hair! help!?

I have been dying my hair black for about 6 months now and I really want that Christina Aguilera look with the black with platinum blonde highlights. But I cant get it.It turns out a orange, copper or gold. Now I am not a professional but my friend and I have been doing each others hair for 5 years. We do use professional products also. When I realized I was having trouble I decided to go to a professional and they couldnt do it. I have been to 5 different salons and no one has been able to get even a light or medium blonde. Anyone have any tips or tricks that I can try?

So far my hair is still pretty healthy and I am willing to try anything, except exstentions!

I have very hard to bleach black hair! help!?

I have had the same problem. My hair naturally is about a level 5, but I like to color... too much. One week I want it dark, the next I want it blonde. The only situation I have found is this....

I will highlight slowly to about a carmel. Then wait a month, and highlight again. then wait a month and highlight again. Eventually those dark pieces will get more and more blonde. It just takes lots of time and LOTS of patience!!!!

And use lots deep conditoners in between.

Sorry, thats all I have, and I have also tried EVERYTHING.

Good Luck

I have very hard to bleach black hair! help!?

You don't say what your natural hair color is. It may take a long time but it's best to let your own hair grow out and then see a professional about it. Good luck

I have very hard to bleach black hair! help!?

let your own hair color grow back and then try dying it again. getting your hair from black to blonde is like trying to make a black person white. If your hair is naturally black, i recommend not dying your hair blonde because it might look weird. but if your hair is brown then go ahead. Just stop dying your hair for a while, because you already have a dye in your hair and putting another dye on hair just makes things worst.

I have very hard to bleach black hair! help!?

It is a really challanging job to get all the artificial tint out of long hair without breaking it in the process. Maybe you should go to plan B. You might be able to get it if you go short But thats not Christina Aguilera.Good Luck

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