Wednesday, October 7, 2009

How can i make my hair grow faster i got a really bad haircut! Doesjello help?

I got a really bad hair cut! i need to know what helps hair grow stronger..thicker..healthier and longer!!

How can i make my hair grow faster i got a really bad haircut! Doesjello help?

Biotin. Get it at Wal-mart in the vitamins. It's in all the skin, hair and nails vitamins.

How can i make my hair grow faster i got a really bad haircut! Doesjello help?

smoke weed!

How can i make my hair grow faster i got a really bad haircut! Doesjello help?

mayo and eggs also prenatal vitamins

How can i make my hair grow faster i got a really bad haircut! Doesjello help?

check the links below for natural homemade beauty tips to:-- How can you get a faster hair growth

How can i make my hair grow faster i got a really bad haircut! Doesjello help?

Hair growth depends upon only the gene. Anyway there exits many routes for faster hair growth. Refer the site below for ur need.

How can i make my hair grow faster i got a really bad haircut! Doesjello help?

There is no way to make your hair grow faster - hair grows at a rate of about 1/2 inch per month, so there's really nothing you can do about that - you could try using a shampoo for fine or thin hair, those usually are aimed at giving the hair a thicker look. Short of getting extensions, the only thing you can really do is go back to the salon, demand they give you a haircut that isn't heinous (to make waiting for your hair to grow out less traumatic), and just have patience.

How can i make my hair grow faster i got a really bad haircut! Doesjello help?

There is a supplement called hair/nails and skin. You can buy at your local drug store or Wal-mart. It really makes you hair grow faster and your nails too. Some people like the shampoo Mane and Tail. It supposedly is good for your hair... I've never tried it though. I just take the supplement when I need my hair to grow fast.

How can i make my hair grow faster i got a really bad haircut! Doesjello help?

Okay, you may be a little grossed out by my answer, but my Aunt Azam told me this. She is from Persia, and has traveled around the world. She said if you grind goat testicles, then use the juice on your head and leave it in there for a couple of hours, it will make your hair grow!

How can i make my hair grow faster i got a really bad haircut! Doesjello help?

There is a vitamin called L-Lysine, i take it and its wonderful, names hair, skin, and nails grow fast, take everyday and you will notice results in about a week.

How can i make my hair grow faster i got a really bad haircut! Doesjello help?

No, unfortunately there is nothing you can do to make your hair grow faster. I have heard taking prenatal vitamins makes your hair smoother, nicer looking. I am in the same boat as you right now, I got a bad haircut 9 months ago and am STILL suffering from it (that was a very bad case though). I would suggest maybe going to someone else at an expensive, upscale, reputable place. They should be able to fix it. You might have to go shorter than you want to for them to be able to fix it (or at least make it half-way decent looking), but at least it won't look like a bad haircut'll just have to wait for it to grow out which you'll have to do anyway, so you might as well get it fixed now so it doesn't look like crap while you're waiting. That's what I had to do. My hair is now much shorter than I want it, but at least it doesn't look awful anymore and I can look forward to it being long again. I do feel for you though, it's so hard to find someone who knows what they are doing. That's why I suggest an expensive salon...they do not hire idiots. You get what you pay for and if your hair is as important to you as it is to me, it will be so worth the extra money because you will be so happy with the result. And anyone that tells you about a product that will make your hair grow faster, well there is no such a product so don't waste your money. If there were, you wouldn't see all these rich celebrities with extensions.

How can i make my hair grow faster i got a really bad haircut! Doesjello help?

Hair grows at it's normal rate. I suggest you let it just grow on it's own, and not waste your money on a bunch of bolgnia. Most of those products do nothing to your hair. I suggest you get another hair cut to fix it until it grows back out. Find a style that is fashionable, but will fix your bad cut. And of course don't go back to the person who cut your hair. =)

How can i make my hair grow faster i got a really bad haircut! Doesjello help?

When I was pregnant I took prenatal vitamins and my hair and nails grew so fast. other than that I haven't heard of anything else that would help your hair grow.

How can i make my hair grow faster i got a really bad haircut! Doesjello help?

The answer to "instant hair growth" is that there isn't any.

There is no magic bullet.

You can start off by taking Omega-3 vitamins. They are rich in the omega 3 oils (fish) that benefit your skin, hair and nails, and will also contribute good health to your heart.

They say you are what you eat, and that's soooo true! Popping daily hair vitamins and minerals is a wonderful way to strengthen and enhance growing hair follicles. Unfortunately vitamin supplements may not be enough. It閳ユ獨 essential to get proper nutrients directly from the foods that we eat.

Regarding jello, I have never heard of it helping with hair, however, Knox Gelatine when mixed with fruit juices (as a drink), definitely will strengthen your nails and will probably help with your hair as well, since hair is 98% protein, such as your nails. And, Vitamin C is a great antioxidant promoting tissue and cell repair and growth. It also strengthens the overall immune system, and assists in metabolizing B vitamins and amino acids into the body.

Citrus fruits like oranges, lemons, limes, melons and berries (including black currants) are power packed sources of C. Brussel sprouts, red peppers, kale, cauliflower, tomatoes and cucumbers are additional choices for adding vitamin C foods to your diet.

Vitamin E is known as the "heart healthy" vitamin. It also provides lots of benefits for growing vibrant hair. Add E to your diet by consuming foods like avocados, rice bran, nuts, dark green vegetables, legumes and whole grains.

Brewer's yeast and kelp are excellent for the hair. I purchase mine at a health food store or over the net. I like TwinLab brewer's yeast. I put this in my juice drinks; sprinkle about 1 tablespoon, shake and drink. It doesn't have too much of a taste. You can also add to yogurt and cottage cheese. Kelp, I have bought both, dry and capsules and I like the dry for a hair mask and the capsules just to take.

Eat your spinach and your carrots, too! We really are what we eat. And, nothing is quite as horrific as having your locks "chop-chop" by a mad hair cutter. It has happened twiced to me. "Devasting!"

Try the web below, they have said it all in the hair dept. Most I've known for years, and I think it will greatly benefit you as well. "Eat healthy, and drink lots of water!"

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