I am going to take her to see a specialist soon, don't worry. But I thought I would come her to see if anyone else has had a similar experience.
She has always been somewhat of a picky eater. And I know some kids are just little. It's not like her ribs are showing or anything and she has lots of energy. Her hair and teeth are healthy too. I just worry that she should weigh more.
She rarely wants to finish her dinner, even when I give her smaller portions to start with. But almost always she wants a big breakfast, so I try to make up for the other meals of the day where I know she won't eat well by really loading her up at breakfast time. I mean pancakes, eggs, bacon, the whole nine yards.
Is this normal for some kids to just be really tiny like her? Or might there be possibly something wrong with her physically? Her dad (who has joint custody with me) has harrassed me about not feeding her, but that's not the case. I want her to be as healthy as possible.
My three year old only weighs 25 lbs. Is she healthy?
I agree with all the other answers on this question. Lots of factors go into being health and what weight is right for a child. If she is over all healthy and active don't worry so much about her weight. If you or dad is small framed then it's perfectly normal. Some things you might want to ask the dr about is something that might help her get the nutrients back that she missed in the meals. Pediasure is a good product that can give her extra cals. There's also some powders that you can add to meals that will help with extra protein and cals. Just check with your dr make sure before you start anything.
My three year old only weighs 25 lbs. Is she healthy?
Kids are different...but she does seem to be on the small side. As long as she's eating right, there should be no problem. My 3 year old weighs 35 pounds and my 2 year old weighs 23
My three year old only weighs 25 lbs. Is she healthy?
You should take her to her doctor. My daughter is 20 months, and she weighs 24 pounds.
My three year old only weighs 25 lbs. Is she healthy?
If shes happy and lively then everything is fine.
My 1 and a half year old is the same, she is on the 9th centile but she is full of energy so I don't worry about it.
My three year old only weighs 25 lbs. Is she healthy?
i think some children are just small.. look at adults.. some weigh 100 lbs. and are perfectly healthy, while others weigh 250 lbs. and are healthy..
My three year old only weighs 25 lbs. Is she healthy?
i have a 5-year old who only weighs 30 lbs., she is very tall and you can see all of her ribs and notches on her spine, took her to the doctor he says she is normal!?! tanking her to a different doctor this week.
My three year old only weighs 25 lbs. Is she healthy?
If she is tiny then she is tiny.. does her doctor say she is in the low end of the percentile? Why take her to a specialist some kids are tiny at that age. All 3 year olds are picky eaters she will catch up next year. My daughter never liked rice or cheese and she was in size 14s all the way through high school. She is still only 5 foot tall its just genetics.. as long as she has energy and is not sickly just let her be herself.
My three year old only weighs 25 lbs. Is she healthy?
I wouldn't know... Skinny children disturb me as I come from hearty stock, we are just big people (Above average tall and healthy.) I had big fat babies and my kids are rather stocky. (not fat)
But I have boys so?
Thin children always seem fragile to me, like you're afraid that if you pick them up you're going to brake them. I don't care for that... But a fat little girl is not healthy or cute either so.
Let the Doctor decide... and if there is a problem, offer her more lean protein and fruits and veggies! Find out what she likes and feed it to her. Maybe some pedia sure for added vitamins and minerals? Some of them are yummy.
My three year old only weighs 25 lbs. Is she healthy?
If she is healthy: good hair, skin, energy levels etc. Then more than likely she is the right size for her. Which is what it sounds like.
However running a few blood tests won't hurt. Please remember though that you are the parent and you have the final say on all testing and treatment. So if the testing or treatment seems like the risks outweigh the benefits you have the right to refuse.
Good luck.
My three year old only weighs 25 lbs. Is she healthy?
Don't stress to much about it. As long as she eats and is active and constantly developing, then she is perfectly healthy. My son will be 4 in August and still only weighs 29 pounds. SO WHAT! So he is little, he is a picky eater and it is jsut the way it is. You can't expect children to all be cut out of cookie cutters. They are not all going to be the same. I have a friend who has a one year old that weighs more than my son. AGAIN, oh well, they are all differnt. Just don't worry too much about it. Also, as long as your daughter is staying on the same curve on her growth chart for the most part, then it isn't cause for concern. My son has never been higher than the 10th percentile except for at birth when he was in the 90th. The rest of his life he has stayed at the bottom of the curve.
My three year old only weighs 25 lbs. Is she healthy?
You haven't put how many inches she is, but it doesn't sound like she's unhealthy.
When I first started my daycare center, I had one girl who was about that size and age. She wasn't unhealthy, she did eat and ate good, but she was just a skinny mini. (I think sometimes, we in America, aren't used to seeing small children.)
As long as the specialist says there is nothing wrong, I don't think you have much to worry about.
Good luck!
My three year old only weighs 25 lbs. Is she healthy?
Your daughter is more than likely just small in stature. If she seems to be proportioned well then I would not worry so much. I had a two year old in my preschool that wore a 12month (and they were a bit baggy) never mind underwear, her mom had to have some made small enough for her. She still rode in a rear facing car seat b/c she only weighed 18 lbs. The doctors watched her closely, but never found any thing wrong, she was a very active, healthy little girl.
If you are very concerned try giving her pediasure once a day as a snack. i still have to do that with my 4 yr old b/c she only weighs 37 lbs, due to a very active metabolism.
My three year old only weighs 25 lbs. Is she healthy?
There might be a chance she has a high metabolism. When my daughter was born she was a big baby,almost weighed 8lb.,but then as she got older she just thinned out, she is also tall for her age. When I took her to the doctor he just asked if anyone in the family had a high metabolism, which my husband does he is tall and skinny like her, so the doctor said she was just like my husband and I had nothing to worry about. You are doing the right thing by taking her to a specialist. good luck.
My three year old only weighs 25 lbs. Is she healthy?
Honestly, she is about the size of what used to be the average 3 year old. She is just more petite than some other kids her age, and I certainly wouldn't worry about her if she is eating and is energetic and if your pediatrician says she is fine! Some people are just smaller, and there is nothing wrong with that.
My kids just happen to be huge! That doesn't mean they are healthier than your child because they are taller than average. They are just taller than average. Kids come in different sizes just like grown ups do.
Don't worry!
My three year old only weighs 25 lbs. Is she healthy?
Unless your pediatrician has expressed concern, I wouldn't worry about it. My daughter just turned three and is 27 pounds, and she's a normal height. She eats great too, just is on the thin side. As long as she has normal energy levels and is growing and thriving (which sounds like she is), she is fine. I think these days kids tend to run towards being more overweight so thinner children stand out.
My three year old only weighs 25 lbs. Is she healthy?
My daughter is 2 1/2 and is the same way. She is petite and thin, only around 24 lbs. But she eats well, is healthy and very active. My pediatrician is not concerned because she is developing so well, so I'm not concerned. She's just thin.
Definitely talk to your doctor or a specialist if you're concerned though...they may want to put her on a higher calorie diet. A friend of mine was just told to put her 5 year old on a higher calorie diet because his weight percentile had fallen off the chart. Good luck!
My three year old only weighs 25 lbs. Is she healthy?
I think the only time you need to worry about it is if she has gone down on the growth chart that your ped. has. Is he concerned about her size.
My daughter also weighs 24 pounds and she is 4 years old. I am worried also and i know how you feel!